
The development team for the Cascade Renewable Transmission Project has extensive successful experience in both underwater transmission and renewable energy development and operation. Cascade Renewable Transmission, LLC (“CRT”) includes two principal companies: PowerBridge, LLC and Sun2o Partners, LLC.


PowerBridge, LLC of Fairfield, Connecticut specializes in the development, permitting, financing, construction, and operation of high voltage transmission facilities and related energy infrastructure. PowerBridge has successfully developed, and now owns and operates, two 660 MW underwater transmission projects serving New York State:  Neptune Regional Transmission System (“Neptune”), completed in 2007, and Hudson Transmission (“Hudson”), completed in 2013.  These projects represent more than $1.5 Billion in capital investment.

PowerBridge employs a diverse team of experienced professionals in the areas of engineering, finance, permitting, construction, regulatory compliance, operations, and administration.  Most have been associated with the company and its projects since their formation.  PowerBridge also has longstanding relationships with major technical, environmental, legal, and accounting firms developed in the course of its project development, construction, financing, and operations experience.

PowerBridge projects are developed and owned through single-purpose limited liability companies that source the capital needed for project development, construction, and long-term ownership.

need high Sun2o logo

Sun2o Partners, LLC of Greenwich, Connecticut is working with PowerBridge in CRT as co-developer. Sun2o is an experienced developer of utility-scale solar and energy storage generation facilities with projects located throughout the United States, including in eastern Washington. Sun2o has originated over 5,000MW of solar and solar plus energy storage projects. Deep relationships with industry leading developers, engineers, and financiers allow Sun2o to facilitate the development and integration of new clean power projects across the U.S.

Meet the people helping to bring the Cascade Project to life